
The ancient forests of Ireland were composed of a unique mixture of tree species. A few evergreens
coexisted with many spectacular deciduous trees. These covered the valleys but covered the tops of the
mountains, too. They were able to exist there by means of the constant warm rain and weathering of rock
systems that provided an almost endless sandy terrain filled with mobile nutrients.

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Biodiversity Week Event, Kilmichael, Co. Cork – Sunday May 19th 2024

Ever wondered about the magic that lies within Ireland’s hedgerows? Ted Cook takes you on a captivating journey through these lush, green corridors. It’s not just about the plants; it’s about the history, the wildlife, and the intricate balance of nature that makes these hedgerows so special.

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National Tree Week & Mother’s Day at Kilcolman, Enniskeane, Co. Cork – Sunday March 10th

The Environmental Forum’s Coordinator, Bernie Connolly, proposed a “Crinniú” to commemorate the Good Lives of Andrew St. Ledger and Michael Ewing. Sunday March 10th was chosen which coincided with both International Mothers Day and Tree Week, Andrew being synonymous with the Woodland League and Michael with the Irish Environmental Forum.

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Feakle Community Hall, Feakle, Co.Clare
Day of events in memory of Andrew St. Ledger

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4 November 2023

Andrew St. Ledger RIP

We of the Woodland League are heartbroken at the passing of our great and mighty Friend, our Founder, our Director and P.R.O. our champion, our warrior, our guide, our leader, our soulful Chara – Andrew St Ledger. “Our Mighty Oak has Fallen.” We wish to extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends and all that knew and loved him.

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The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands