Andrew St. Ledger RIP

We of the Woodland League are heartbroken at the passing of our great and mighty Friend, our Founder, our Director and P.R.O. our champion, our warrior, our guide, our leader, our soulful Chara – Andrew St Ledger. “Our Mighty Oak has Fallen.” We wish to extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends and

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Tribute to Saskia Byrne from The Woodland League July 4th 2021

Greetings to All, today is a very sad and poignant day for us at The Woodland League, as we pay tribute to one of our staunchest supporters and long time member, Saskia Byrne who passed away almost one month ago today. Saskia, with her love and passion for Art, History and Nature, understood intrinsically, the connection between restoring our Native Forests and restoring our Communities, as well as the Healing potential this would bring on so many levels, to the land, the water, nature, and especially to the people.

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The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands