The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands

Una Ruddock asks: How is the public interest conceived and represented, with reference to Coillte, in Ireland’s forestry review 2010?
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For Summer Solstice: Save Ireland’s Forests campaign ends as government bow to People Power
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Nessa Childers MEP: “Government decision on Coillte is a victory for campaigners”

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Statement concerning National Walk in the Woods Day events
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RTE evening news footage from 7th May, 2013 with Andrew St Ledger of The Woodland League discussing the redwood clones recently received from the Global Redwoods Project (initiated by Archangel Ancient Tree Archive).

The sale of Ireland’s Public forest rights, managed by Coillte has featured prominently in the media of late. The Government is poised to make an imminent decision regards the sale of these rights. The Public have been informed their decision will be based on the recommendations of New Era, a body set up by the same government to asess the potential sale of Public assets to pay the debts of bankers and speculators.
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A call by the Woodland league for the prevention of privitisation of Ireland s ‘forests’ and for a New Forestry Policy for Ireland. Save Irelands Forests, Avondale, Co. Wicklow

25 April 2013

Andy vs. Andy!

Listen to Andrew St Ledger debating with Andrew Doyle of the Oireachtas Agriculture committee on the relative (non!) merits of selling off our public assets to foreign speculators
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Listen to Andrew St Ledger interview on Radio 1 discussing Archangel’s donation of giant redwood clones for planting in Ireland (more info on our Facebook page)
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Andrew St Ledger speaks on radio show discussing the sale of the harvesting rights

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The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands