The Woodland Leagues Official Press Release re: Opposing the Sale of Public Forest Harvesting Rights
PDF File
4 October 2012
Opposing the Sale of Public Forest Harvesting Rights
1 October 2012
Plan to sell rights to Coillte trees criticised
The Woodland League will be making a statement in response to the Agricultural committee meeting with Coillte on tues 2nd October
Word Document
21 September 2012
Activist Groups Denounce Bio-economy and Sustainable Biomass Myth
Activist Groups Denounce Bio-economy and Sustainable Biomass Myth on International Day against Monoculture Tree Plantations
Word Document
21 September 2012
Ten Thousand Times NO!
The Woodland League are members of the GFC, hence the inclusion of Irelands monocultural green desert in the list of countries which have a disproportionate amount of land covered in these negative plantations
Word Document
21 September 2012
International Day Against Monoculture Tree Plantations
International Day Against Monoculture Tree Plantations
Word Document
21 September 2012
The True Costs of Industrial Monoculture Tree Plantations
The True Costs of Industrial Monoculture Tree Plantations
18 September 2012
Global Forest Commissions Annual Report for 2011
Global Forest Commissions Annual Report for 2011
31 August 2012
Bangkok Climate News Update
Developing countries continue to stress that forest-related activities under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) must primarily be publicly funded, with many expressing doubts over market-based approaches.
Word Document
29 August 2012
Overseas vultures circle around Irish forestry assets
Overseas vultures circle around Irish forestry assets built up using public funds
Civil Society Groups Denounce Sustainable Energy for All Initiative promoted at Rio+20 Earth Summit