The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands

New forestry plan approved by EU has not addressed significant environmental issues with Irish forests and is a missed opportunity. Minister Tom Hayes yesterday announced the approval of the new forestry programme by the EU but environmental groups claim the plan fails to resolve serious environmental issues with the Irish forestry model.

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The Woodland League would like to propose that a plan be made to restore the remnant shreds of what was once a great oak forest known as the Great Forest of Aughty.

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New Perspectives on Irish History is a brand new 8 part radio series devised by John Haughton, which takes a unique look at how our ancestors viewed their natural environment and how different periods of history co-existed with the natural environment of our island. Programme 1 features interviews with Andrew St. Ledger of the Woodland League and Lord Ross of Birr Castle, as well as voxpops with secondary school children.

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Andrew St. Ledger discusses the new forestry plan on the Chatroom Radio Programme.
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From the scattered remnants, Ireland’s oldest oak trees are being revived as part of a global initiative to propagate the DNA of ancient woodland – Irish Times Article

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Coillte Forestry Fables In Regard To Tree Felling At Gougane Barra Heritage Site
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A Woodland League Appeal to Save Ireland’s Trees, Woodlands, and Wilderness
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CELT And The Woodland League Submission on the new Forestry Programme 2014-2020
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Questionable disposal and management of public forest assets
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The Woodland League calls for 2010 Review of Coillte Report to be made public
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The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands