The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands

Hostage to Norms: States, Institutions and Global Forest Politics
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No more monoculturing of tree plantations in India
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Study finds reforestation may lower the climate change mitigation potential of forests
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Pine Plantations May Be One Culprit in Increasing Carbon Dioxide Levels
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For obvious and good reasons our Lichenologists have an issue with Ivy – all three forms of Lichen (foliar, crust and fruity) have taken up with our trees – all three forms equally have fund a refuge along our Coastal Geology and remote Upland Heathers.
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Answers to parliamentary questions

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A protest for the forest, at eight IKEA stores in Sweden
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The Bioeconomy is Bad for Biodiversity, Global Forest Coalition Warns. obama’s plan bodes ill for human rights and the environment, new report finds.
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Taoiseach Enda Kenny filmed chopping down a tree during Ireland’s National tree week
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Once again the sale of the public forests is announced with very little detail or background information. This time the Troika have facilitated the State regards public opposition, by changing the MOU to allow the proceeds from the sale of State assets to be reinvested in job creation.
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The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands