The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands


Coillte and DAFM practises of allowing imported oak saplings for native woodland schemes is both reckless and unnecessary.

Irish Times article

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We are absolutely delighted to receive such a glowing authentic commendation from, The President of Ireland, which means so much to a volunteer run community focused NGO.

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Tulla Event

Sat 22 Jul 2023 10:00 – Sun 23 Jul 2023 18:00

We are delighted to host this cross-cultural and community exchange exploring the Indigenous Forest management traditions of North America with special guests Ron Waukau and Mc Kaylee Duquain, forest managers of the Menominee Nation.


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On behalf of 38 national environment NGOs, community groups, political parties, independent TD’s and numerous individuals. We now wish to place on record the following concerns regarding Coillte CLG, The Irish Forestry Board.

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Ted Cook’s ‘Talk and Walk’ public event on December 31st 2023. A field survey of Kilbrogan Cemetery and adjacent Bandon Town Holy Wells focused on trees. The author dedicates the event summary to Ireland’s newest national holiday in honour of our “Matron Saint” Brigid, scheduled for February 6th 2023.

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Greetings to All, today is a very sad and poignant day for us at The Woodland League, as we pay tribute to one of our staunchest supporters and long time member, Saskia Byrne who passed away almost one month ago today. Saskia, with her love and passion for Art, History and Nature, understood intrinsically, the connection between restoring our Native Forests and restoring our Communities, as well as the Healing potential this would bring on so many levels, to the land, the water, nature, and especially to the people.

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Sign our Petition to Save, Restore and Expand our Ancient Rainforest Remnants:


In January 2020, The Woodland League were approached by Sioned Jones and her legal team for assistance regards, valid information on State obligations towards, Sustainable Forest Management, Sustainability Principles, commitments to International environmental conventions, and the role of the citizen in protecting their environment, for Sioned’s defence.

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In the Land of Milk and Money : State Sanctioned Rare Old Growth Native Oakwood Destruction On the Eve of First Dail 1919, 100th Year Commemoration.

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Download a copy of recent complaint by Macroom and District Environment Group concerning State licensed destruction of an old growth native oakwood in the townland of Silvergrove/ Doire Airgead in county Cork.

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The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands